Section #2 - Song Population Interface
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This interface offers quick and easy access to view all the songs currently playing on the list of radio stations that are in the main interface. Below is a picture of the song population interface loaded.


The number before the station after the \\ indicated where in the list that station is on the main interface, 1 representing the first one and so on. You can notice that there are some stations that display Currently Unavailable as the song currently playing. This is because this listing relies on stations posting to a central site what song is currently playing as opposed to going to each one and asking which would take too long. You will also from time to time find out that when you log into a station it wont be playing the song it posted. This is because that it takes a little bit of time to update the central area and the song may have switched since then. You can however filter out Currently Unavailable songs from showing up in the this interface by going to the Main interface and on the top Menu un-checking
Options>Misc Options>Show Unavailable Songs When Populating

Continue onto Section #3) Favorites Interface